
Cosmetic Surgery and Divorce

Re-entering single life,  after divorce can be a difficult life altering experience.  Women in particular,  may want to recapture a more youthful and rejuvenated appearance in preparation to enter the dating scene.  Divorce becomes the catalyst behind wanting to improve ones appearance and cosmetic surgery after divorce comes into play. Some woman start off slow...

What is the best age to have a facelift?

Actually, there is no best age to have a facelift.  We all age differently, some show early signs of aging by their 40's, while others remain relatively tight until their 60's.  These variances can be attributed to a number of factors such as, lifestyle, sun-exposure, smoking and genetic predisposition. When a facelift is performed at...

How Your Face Reveals Your Age

Most plastic surgeons will agree that there are three key areas of the face that can reveal  the true age of a person, that being the eyes, lips and neck area.  Many patients focus mainly on improving their facial features, whether it be through surgical intervention such as a rhytidectomy (facelift), blepharoplasty (eyelift) or non-surgical procedures...

Are You Too Old for Cosmetic Surgery?

Did you know that the number of men and women over the age of 65 who are having cosmetic surgical procedures is steadily climbing? Believe it or not, elective cosmetic procedures (both surgical and non-surgical) rose 29% between 2005 to 2010 (to more than 680,000), according to the American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. (Interestingly enough,...