We all make New Year’s resolutions. For many it’s a time to consider a healthier lifestyle. We make plans to eat healthy, lose those unsightly pounds packed on over the holiday season and begin a regular exercise program.
When exercise and diet fails to tighten your loose skin or get rid of those localized fat deposits, tighten muscle laxity over your tummy area, it might be just be the time to consider body contouring surgery such as a tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) or liposuction.
Abdominoplasty surgery is designed to correct protruding or loose skin and tighten loose muscles in the abdominal area. The excess fat and skin is removed and the underlying muscles are also tightened. You should be aware that abdominoplasty surgery is not an alternative for weight loss and exercise. You should be close to your ideal body weight and in good health before considering any type of cosmetic surgical procedure.
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