According to the American Pregnancy Association, breast feeding is the best way to provide nourishment for your child. Not only does the breast supply nutrition, it also allows the baby to benefit from the mother’s immune system.
As with any surgery, if you’re considering breast work, it’s important to discuss with your ASPS board-certified plastic surgeon your desire to breast feed in the future. This information may affect your choice of incision and implant placement.
Breast feeding after breast augmentation (enhancement) surgery is in most cases possible. The most common type of implants used today for breast augmentation are either saline or silicone gel implants. Neither of these implants will hinder your ability to breast feed. That being said, there is no guarantee that any woman will be able to breast feed, regardless of whether she has had breast enhancement surgery or not.
A recent statement by the ASPS quotes Dr. Cruz as saying, “It makes sense that breast augmentation patients would be concerned about the effect breast feeding could have on the appearance of their breast. After all, these women have invested both time and money into them. However, available evidence tells us that although breasts sag more with each pregnancy, breast feeding doesn’t seem to worsen these effects in women, with or without breast implants.”