Recently on the ABC network’s television program “20/20”, Barbara Walters hosted a special on plastic surgery and African American Women Plastic Surgery. One segment in particular focused on plastic surgery and women of color. This population group has traditionally been–and still is–the slowest growing minority having cosmetic surgical procedures performed.
Although there is no definitive answer as to why women of color tend to shy away from or perhaps even disparage cosmetic surgery, there most likely are cultural and communal attitudes that govern their reluctance to enhance and/or alter their appearance through cosmetic surgical procedures. Another explanation may be simply be that people of color are naturally protected from sun damage to the skin.
We all know that sun damage tends to age an individual rather quickly resulting in more visits to plastic surgeons for corrective surgery and rejuvenation of one’s overall appearance. However, studies do suggest that those black women who do in fact seek out cosmetic correction and enhancement of their bodies, the most requested surgical procedures are liposuction and tummy tucks as well as breast reductions and nose reshaping.
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